Page 34 - Investing in Bergamo EN
P. 34
Graduates Living in the Province of Bergamo — MIUR 2013
Agriculture Traditional Three-year Masters Total %
Architecture 45 13 34 92 1.9
Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals 216 170 17 403 8.5
Defence, Security 22 76 5 103 2.2
Economic statistics 0 5 1 6 0.1
Physical Education 373 281 124 778 16,4
Geo-Biology 45 14 10 69 1.5
Law 86 75 18 179 3.8
Engineering 38 200 30 268 5.6
Teaching 328 261 53 642 13.5
Literature 190 55 56 301 6.3
Linguistics 201 132 47 380 8.0
Medicine 151 89 47 287 6.0
Politics, Social Sciences 127 114 139 380 8.0
Psychology 158 141 124 423 8.9
Science 139 123 40 302 6.3
Total 66 66 13 145 3.0
758 4,758 100.0
2,185 1,815