Position papers
Found : 106
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Directive :
89/106/EEC Construction products
Guidance Paper
GNB - SG document
GNB - AG document
Guidance Paper
GP A: The Designation Of Approved Bodies In The Field Of The Construction Products Directive
GP B: The Definition Of Factory Production Control In Technical Specifications For Construction Products
GP C: The Treatment Of Kits And Systems Under The Construction Products Directive
GP D: CE Marking Under The Construction Products Directive
GP E: Levels And Classes In The Construction Products Directive
GP F: Durability And The Construction Products Directive
GP G: The European Classification System For The Reaction To Fire Performance Of Construction Products
GP H: A Harmonised Approach Relating To Dangerous Substances Under The Construction Products Directive
GP I: The Application Of Article 4(4) Of The Construction Products Directive
GP J: Transitional Arrangements Under The Construction Products Directive
GP K: The Attestation of Conformity systems and the role and tasks of the notified bodies in the field of the construction products directive
GP L: Application and use of Eurocodes
GP M: Conformity Assessment under the CPD: Initial type-testing and Factory production control
GNB - SG document
GNB-CPD position paper from SG01 - EN 13964 - Suspended ceilings - requirements and test methods: overview of standard clauses that require further detailing and proposed solutions
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - Operating procedure for the attestation of conformity of common cements in compliance with annex ZA of EN 197-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - Certification of the attestation of conformity of cements
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 934-2 AND EN 934-4 - Procedures for certifying FPC for admixtures for concrete, grout and for prestressing tendons
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 12620, EN 13043, EN 13055-1, EN 13139, EN 13383-1, EN 13242 & EN 13450 - Certificate of factory production control related to aggregates
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 459-1 - Certification of factory production control related to building limes
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 998-2 - The certificate of factory production control for masonry mortar
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - Certification of fly ash for concrete - EN 450-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - Products for repair of concrete structures - EN 1504 Parts 2,3,4,5,6 & 7
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 13263-12005 - Certification of silica fume for concrete
GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - Certification of ground granulated blastfurnace slag to EN 15167-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG04 - Assignment of ITT for EN 1423 Drop on materials
GNB-CPD position paper from SG04 - Testing of road traffic noise reducing devices to EN 14388
GNB-CPD position paper from SG04 - Certification of lighting columns to EN 40 series
GNB-CPD position paper from SG04 - EN 1317-5 - Road restraint systems - vehicle restraint systems
GNB-CPD position paper from SG04 - EN 12899-1 - Fixed vertical road traffic signs - Fixed signs
GNB-CPD position paper from SG05 - ETAG 002: Structural sealant glazing systems - Routes to CE-marking
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 1125/A1:2001 and EN 179/A1:2001 - Treatment of historic data for CE marking purposes, for panic and emergency exit devices
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 1125/A1:2001 and EN 179/A1:2001 - Inspection of factory production control (FPC) for CE marking purposes, for panic and emergency exit devices
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - Single axis continuous hinges to EN 1935 - Modifications to test method
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN12209: 2003 Mechanically Operated Locks, Latches and Locking Plates
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 1935:2002 - Modifications to test method for single axis continuous hinges
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 13241-1, Interpretation of 'Geometry of glazing-glass components
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - Certification of Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors to EN 1155
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 14351-1 - Air permeability failure criteria (EN 1026 & EN 12207)
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 14351-1-Interpretration of repeated opening & closing test (EN 1191 2000) for windows
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 13241-1 - The use of manufacturers test facilities for durability tests to EN 12605
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 13241-1 - Calculation of the thermal resistance of industrial, commercial and garage doors
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 14351-1-Reclassification of air permeability in response to wind load (EN 12210)
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 13241-1 - Calibration of the U-value based on EN ISO 12567-1 calibration procedure
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 14351-1 - Classification for resistance of windows & doors to wind load (EN 12210)
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 14351-1 - Components Wind load Failure criteria (EN 12210 and 12211)
GNB-CPD position paper from SG06 - EN 14351-1-Calculating thermal properties of unventilated rectangular cavities to EN ISO 10077-2
GNB-CPD position paper from SG07 - Guidance to notified bodies on requirements for testing and FPC for new and modified products of SG07 "Fixed fire-fighting systems"
GNB-CPD position paper from SG07 - Hose reels EN671-1&2
GNB-CPD position paper from SG07 - Electrical automatic control devices for gas extinguishing systems to EN 12094-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG07 - Certification of Smoke and heat control systems to EN 12101 series
GNB-CPD position paper from SG07 - Certification of Smoke alarm devices to EN 14604
GNB-CPD position paper from SG09 - Thermally toughened coated glass specimens for measurement to EN 12898 and EN 410
GNB-CPD position paper from SG10 - FPC of masonry units Category 1 to EN 771-1 to EN 771-5
GNB-CPD position paper from SG11 - Guidance to notified bodies regarding checking factory production for geotextile and geotextile related products
GNB-CPD position paper from SG13 - All hENs for precast concrete products under M100 (as amended)
GNB-CPD position paper from SG15 - Bituminous mixtures to EN 13108 - FPC
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Elastomeric bearings to EN 1337-3 - Use of historic data to DIN 4141-14 -140 for ITT
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Elastomeric bearings to EN 1337-3 - Frequency of FPC
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Roller bearings to EN 1337-4 - Frequency of FPC
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Pot bearings to EN 1337-5 - Frequency of FPC and Determination of restraint movement
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Rocker bearings to EN 1337-6 - Frequency of FPC
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Spherical and cylindrical PTFE bearings to EN 1337-7- Frequency of FPC
GNB-CPD position paper from SG16 - Guide bearings and restraint bearings to EN 1337-8 - Frequency of FPC
GNB-CPD position paper from SG17 - EN 10025-1:2004 Guidance for the assessment of FPC for hot rolled structural steel products according to EN 10025
GNB-CPD position paper from SG17 - FPC of hollow structural sections of non-alloy & fine grain steels to EN 10210-1 & EN 10219-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG17 - FPC of structural bolting assemblies to EN 14399-1 & EN 15048-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG17 - Guidance for FPC assessment of welding consumables to EN 13479
GNB-CPD position paper from SG17 - Certification FPC steel & aluminium structural components to EN 1090-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG18 - Certification of FPC for Strength graded structural timber to EN 14081-1
GNB-CPD position paper from SG18 - Certification of Glued laminated timber to EN 14080
GNB-CPD position paper from SG18 - Certification of FPC for Punched metal plate fasteners for timber to prEN 14545
GNB-CPD position paper from SG18 - Certification of FPC of Three-dimensional nailing plates to ETAG 015
GNB-CPD position paper from SG18 - FPC cert. structural requirements of prefab.timber members to EN 14250
GNB-CPD position paper from SG19 - Guidance to notified bodies on the transitional arrangements for the CE marking of thermal insulation products
GNB-CPD position paper from SG20 - EN 13986 - Evaluation of conformity of wood-based panels
GNB-CPD position paper from SG21 - ETAGs 007 012 021 023 & 025 - Certification of Building kits
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Reaction to fire classification reports - Fire class A1 to C declared - All reaction to fire specs
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - EXAP from tests & classification reports - All reaction to fire or fire resistance specifications
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Use of national test data in support of EXAP - All specifications covering fire performance
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Rules for EXAP of test results - General requirements - All fire resistance specifications
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 024 - Rules for EXAP of fire resisting elements tests - Fire resist. of partitions
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 025 - EXAP of fire resisting elements test results - Glazed screens
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 026 - EXAP of fire resisting elements test results - Penetration seals
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 027 - Insulation to EN13162 - Fire testing and classif. protocol for min.wool
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 028 - Presentation of fire resist.classif. to EN13501-2 - All fire resistance specifications
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 029 - Classification following EXAP - All specifications covering reaction to fire
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 030 - Testing & classification of cellular plastics insulation for reaction to fire class E or E-d2
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 031 - EXAP of fire resisting elements test results - Sandwich panels - WITHDRAWN
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 032 - Fire testing and classification protocol for wood floorings to EN 14342
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 033 - Fire testing & classif.for resilient, textile and laminate floorings to EN 14041
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 034 - Format of reaction to fire classification reports - All specifications covering reaction to fire
GNB-CPD position paper of SH02 06 035 - Format of fire resistance classification reports - All specifications covering fire resistance
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Reaction to fire testing of adhesives for tiles, floorings and wall & ceiling finishes to EN 12004
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - EN 13964 - Rules for ext. application - Suspended ceilings
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Interpretation of 'non-substantial' component when product contains perforations
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Measurement of smoke on the SBI - Discrepancy in the output from the two burners
GNB-CPD position paper from SH02 - Reaction to fire testing - Testing & classification protocols and mounting & fixing procedures
GNB - AG document
Numbering of certicates of conformity
Guidance to notified bodies on the attestation of conformity under the Construction Products Directive
Examples of certificates of conformity
Checklists for initial inspection of factory and factory production control and continuous surveillance
The use of manufacturer’s testing facilities by notified testing
Historic data
Shared and cascading ITT
Rebranding and sub-contract manufacture
Corrigenda, amendments & revisions to harmonized standards